Strategy vs tactics common mistakes

Strategy Vs. Tactics – What Are The Differences?

Strategy and tactics are oftentimes used interchangeably within an organization. Many times the two words work in tandem and do share many of the same characteristics.

This does make it a little more difficult to delineate between the two. Let’s highlight the key differences between the use of strategy and tactics.


Difference between Strategy and Tactics

Below we have explained which word is appropriate to use in which case so that you don’t make the same mistake again!

#1. Purpose

use strategy and tactics correctly

The main purpose of the word ‘Strategy’ is to identify the clear and broader goals that will advance the organization as a whole and also organize the resources available.

The main purpose of ‘Tactic’ is to utilize the specific resources so that the secondary goals are achieved and they support the defined main goal.

Difference Between Policy and Procedure


#2. Role

Different Role for Strategy and Tactics

Those working on strategy are individuals who will influence the resources within the organization. These individuals will understand how a set of tactics are working together to achieve the set goals.

Those in charge of tactics will be specific domain experts that are able to maneuver a limited number of resources into action in order to achieve a set of goals.


#3. Scope


The Strategy involves all the resources within the organization. This also included the broader market conditions such as customers, competitors and the economy.

Tactics involve a subset of the resources being used within a plan. These usually involve a limited number or resources used to achieve broader goals.


#4. Duration


Strategy is a long term plan that does not change often. It only changes when absolutely necessary. Tactics are short-term plans that are flexible and easily changed to meet specific market conditions.


#5. Accountability


Strategists are held accountable for the overall accomplishments of the organization. They oversee the tacticians and all others involved in the organization.

Tacticians are only held responsible for specific resources that they have been assigned.


#6. Output

The strategy will produce clear goals for the entire organization. This will include all plans, guides, maps and key performance measurements.

Tactics will only produce outputs and deliverables for their particular short term goal.


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Strategy vs Tactics: In a Nutshell



  • Includes the entire organization.
  • Includes only a part of the organization.
  • Individuals who will influence the resources within the organization.
  • Specific domain experts that are able to maneuver a limited number of resources.
  • Involves all the resources within the organization.
  • Involves a subset of the resources being used within a plan.
  • Long term plan that does not change often.
  • Short term plans that are flexible and easily changed.

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