difference between herbs and spices

5 Major Differences Between Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices have been a part of human history from prehistoric times, and they will probably be a part of our culture till the end of time. As both herbs and spices are commonly used as elements that we use to add texture and flavor to our food, many of us often think they are the same and use the terms interchangeably.

But that’s not true; thinking these two elements are the same will always put you on the wrong side of any argument. Therefore, knowing the difference between herbs and spices is crucial to surviving in our day-to-day life. So, if you want to know the facts regarding herbs vs spices, then follow this article to find out.


Herbs Vs. Spices: At a Glance

The key difference that comes to mind when herbs vs spices are mentioned is the fact that although they are part of plants, they have completely different conditions compared to each other.

Herbs are always fresh, but spices are always dry and not to mention the fact that they both taste completely different if you consider the taste and flavor of herbs and spices.

The use of herbs is also in medical science and medicine along with research purposes for its chemical value. But spices don’t have that sort of impact.

Instead, other than being an ingredient for cooking, spices are involved in coloring as most of the time, spices come with rich color and texture, which is adored by many artists who want to work with the natural ingredient as their color preference.

The shelf life of herbs and spices are also drastically different as spices tend to last more than twice the lifetime of a herb, and even that is considered an understatement.

Last but definitely not least, most spices are originated in tropical locations where the weather and the climate are warmer, but herbs prefer a more mundane climate to grow. But that being said, herbs and spices can grow almost anywhere if they get the proper care, nourishments, and weather requirements.


What Are Herbs?


Herbs are fresh parts of plants that are used to give flavor to foods. They are also widely used as the source of fragrance in scents and other beauty accessories and also widely used as a medical ingredient by researchers and herbal specialists. Herbs are originated from cool weather.


What Are Spices?


Spices are the dry part of the plants that are used to amplify the flavor and texture of any food. They often leave a big impact with minimum usage. Spices are also an ingredient for natural texture and colors, and many artists prefer to use them for a more natural look in their artworks.

The drier a spice gets, the more impactful its flavor becomes, and it also has a great self-preservation lifespan. Compared to herbs, a spice lasts almost twice the long life while maintaining a great flavor. Spices usually grow in warm tropical weather, and therefore the origin of most spices is from South East Asia regions like India. Know the difference between black and white chia seeds.


Main Differences Between Herbs and Spices

Here are the core differences between herbs and spices:

Location In a Plant

Herbs are located in the fresher part of the plant for most cases, but spices are located on the drier parts like roots, barks. And the fresher the herbs are, the more flavor it will provide; but for the spices, the drier the spice is, the more impact it will have on the flavor.



Herbs originate from a cooler temporal climate where spices prefer a more tropical and warmer atmosphere to grow. For the origin of herbs, European countries like Italy, Spain are the pioneers. And for spices, the crown goes to India as most of the spices known to us are originated from there.



herbs vs spices

Regarding the flavor, spices are superior as they give a huge impact with less usage, but to balance a dish out, you will need to use both herbs and spices. But comparing the use, you will need less spice and more herbs to balance things out.



Spices last longer and preserve their flavor longer than any herbs. And a spice can survive the lifespan of two generations of herbs combined.


Other Uses

Herbs are used as a fragrance ingredient in perfumes, a medicine agent for researches, while spices are widely used as colors for their vivid and colorful output.


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A Comparison Table to Summarize

Parameter of Comparison Herbs Spices
Definition Herbs are part of the always fresh plant and are used for their savory flavour, fragrance, and medicinal value. Spices are part of the plant that is mostly dried out and used for coloring and their intense flavor to elevate the taste and appeal of foods
Origin Herbs are mostly originated in temporal weather where it is slightly colder than the normal temperature. Therefore, the main origin location of many herbs is in Italy, Spain, Greece, and many European countries. For the most part, Spices prefers warm tropical weather and mostly originates from South East Asia regions like India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, China, etc.
Flavour Herbs provide great aroma and fragrance improvement to a dish. On the other hand, spices provide a great impact on the overall flavor of the food
Lifespan Self-preservation of herbs are very low compared to spices Spices last twice the lifetime of herbs in general. And the ore old it gets more the taste amplifies
Other Uses Herbs are massively used on medicine and scents Spices are often used as a color ingredient
Location in a Plant Herbs are located in the fresh parts of the plant, like leaves. Spices are dried parts of the plant like tree barks, roots.


Key Takeaways

  • Herbs and spices are both parts of a plant, they can be part of the same plant, too, but that happens on very rare occasions.
  • The main difference between them is their condition and freshness. Herbs are always the fresh part of the plant (for example, leaves of a plant) where’s spices are dried out parts of the plant (for example, roots and barks of a plant). But in some cases, herbs can also be dry parts of a plant, but that happens on very rare occasions.
  • The origins of herbs and spices also differ from each other. Because in most cases, hers are originated from more temperate climates where there is a subtle balance in the atmosphere. But in the cases of spices, their origin lies in weather and climates that are warmer than most other areas of the world.
  • Although both of these ingredients are widely used to generate flavor and texture in our food, the power levels of the flavor and texture are quite different when you compare the impact of spices and herbs against each other. Spices have a more impact on both texture and flavor compared to herbs, but that being said, without the subtle touch of herbs, a dish will definitely taste horrible, to say the least.
  • Another area where herbs and spices are widely different compared to each other is longevity. Spices last longer than any herbs currently known to man. It is said that spices last twice more than any traditional herbs.


Final Thoughts

There are many differences between herbs and spices, and if you have come this far, then it’s safe to say that you now know your way around herbs vs spices.

And even though they have a great number of differences when put together, they elevate the flavor of a dish to a higher level, and thus, knowing their differences will give you an edge in overcooking and life.


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